The Origins of SleepTalk Process for Children

The Goulding SleepTalk programme for the parents. This programme would be beneficial to all children, especially children who are experiencing low self-confidence, academic stress, learnng difficulties, sibling rivalry, bullied/bullying, separation anxiety, bad habits, fears, phobias, nightmares, autism or ADHD. It has been proven effective in facilitating better confidence in children, leading them to become happier in their life, maximizing their potential. In addition, this programme also works as a prevention strategy to prepare your children for these adverse events and help them handle these situations in a better manner.

This is a 2-minute self-esteem boosting programme that helps build up the child’s self-esteem and develops the child’s emotional resilience, which will protect them against negative suggestions.

This programmes teaches parents how to SleepTalk with their children, for two-minutes a day before their child goes to sleep. Therefore, only the parents are required to schedule a consultation and learn the techniques of SleepTalk. This programme will be conducted by a certified and qualified hypnotherapist (Ms. Joyce Hue).